Mystery Number Riddles

Mystery Number Jeopardy

During a math review game, I recently had a mystery number jeopardy section. The students loved the challenge and worked as a team to find the answer. I displayed each riddle and gave the students 30 seconds to complete the challenge. This was currently for a third grade class I was teaching. Feel free to use the riddles below.


  •  “I am a two digit number”
  •  “I only have even digits.”
  •  “My sum is 10.”
  •  “The digit in the ten’s place is six more than the digit in the one’s place.”
  • What is the mystery number?
  • Answer 82


  • I am a two digit number.
  • I am an odd number.
  •  The sum of my digits is 8.
  • Both the digits are odd.
  • What is the mystery number?
  • Answer: 71


  • I am a three-digit number.
  • Two of my digits are odd and one is even.
  • 10-8=the digit in the one’s place
  • The digit in the tens place is one more than the unit in the ones place
  • The sum of all the three digits is 10.
  • Answer: 532


  • I am a three-digit number.
  • Two of my digits are odd and one digit is even
  • The digit in the ones place and tens place combined is 9.
  • The sum of the three digits is 18.
  • Answer: 927


  • I am a three-digit number.
  • All my digits are even
  • The digit in the ones place is half of the digit in the tens place
  • The digit in the tens place is doubled than the digit in the ones place
  • The digits in the hundreds place is doubled than the digit in the tens place
  • The sum of all the digits is 14
  • Answer: 842