2 Type of Graphic Organizers

In the Triton school district, a decision was made 2 years ago to have the whole district use two types of graphic organizers: 2 column notes and a top-down web. Every teacher must only use these two types from 1st grade to 12th. The reasoning behind the decision is that too much time is spent teaching how to organize the graphic organizer that teachers lose time year-to-year and throughout the year explaining how to set-up the organizer.  By only using two types, the students know what is expected of them and can focus on the actual content. Also, the graphic organizer is not a surprise and students spend less time worrying about what type of organizer to use. The consistency is meant to help the students focus on the actual content, instead of the graphic organizer itself.

At first, I thought this was strange but I have grown to appreciate this system. I have found that I am less stressed trying to figure out what type of organizer to use in my lessons and that the students have grown accustomed to the two types. When I teach, I do spend less time on the graphic organizer and focus strictly on the content. Since my students are in fourth grade, I do need to occasionally remind them to leave enough room since some students forget to leave enough space for all the content. In addition, I do always model when I use the graphic organizer, but I am confident that they know how to use the organizer to their advantage. This system is beneficial and think it is a clear policy that allows graphic organizers to be used correctly in the classroom.

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